My work has recently taken a 360. It stemmed from fear, however it is more about the inner struggle of an individual, which in my case is my fear. Ever person that walks this earth has inner pain and many try to hide it, but sometimes you can catch a second when their pain is shown on there face and through their eyes. Although my images appear quite violent they actually have nothing to do with violence. I use the beaten look to represent the wounded soul.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


So I FINALLY had my break through which I have been waiting for. I had been getting so down on my self artistically that I was even wondering if I made the right choice about going to art school. Suddenly those college adds on TV look like a good idea, know what I mean? But either way I finally did what I have been trying to do for over a year now. I think my problem was that I was too scared of screwing up up and for a long time I think I didn't really know exactly what it was that I was after but non the less my paintings look totally different than they did just three days ago. I am slowly abandoning the rat idea. My paintings are more about inner struggle, which in the example of me personally can be fear but it is really different for every person. But I am showing their inner struggle through their faces. I am continuing with the beat up look and introducing cuts and whatnot to their faces as well. I am on a roll, I have completed two pieces, almost completed a third ( I am waiting for paint to dry) and half down with a fourth. the good news is that they do not take me to long. If all goes well I can get them done in just several hours. I am hoping that I am able to get a bunch done so that my show can be just these paintings.

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