My work has recently taken a 360. It stemmed from fear, however it is more about the inner struggle of an individual, which in my case is my fear. Ever person that walks this earth has inner pain and many try to hide it, but sometimes you can catch a second when their pain is shown on there face and through their eyes. Although my images appear quite violent they actually have nothing to do with violence. I use the beaten look to represent the wounded soul.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Making up for Etching

Recently I decided that since I am not currently able to do printmaking because there is no space at my house for my press that I would do a lot of drawing until I can figure out my lack of etching situation. So Today in addition to stretching and preparing four canvases I did a large amount of pencil drawing. Above is a drawing I had started a little over a week ago and today I made some major progress on it. The piece is relatively large, and drawn on a oversized illustration board I found at the gallery. I have high hopes for this piece. I am still working through some small drawing issues which i have discovered such as the face being to wide but all will be repaired. I have intentions for also making a second drawing to match this one to hang together for my show in september.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lexi!

    How have you been? I like the beginning of this piece the 'fade out' though not intentional is interesting. Especially since I cannot tell exactly what is in her hands that makes her look away. Where is your show going to be? Let me know, I would like to attend.

    This is Hannah Rossi-btw. I have to change my name-Kidona what was I thinking?
